DIY Musical Instruments
Update Below (3/2025)
Making Musical Instruments
My kids are 6, 5, and 4, and we have decided to homeschool them. Music education is important to me and I plan to make it a big focus throughout our time together.
Obviously there are kids out there playing on the piano at my kids’ ages and I do hope to bring some actual instruments and lessons into their education, however, I also want them to love the idea themselves. I want them to like rhythm and enjoy the thought of learning about music.
This brought me to DIY musical instruments… and I just kinda went with it!
Making DIY Musical Instruments
Kids crafts don’t need to be difficult or elaborate and these aren’t fabulous in any way, however, my kids were able to enjoy themselves for a couple hours, express themselves, laugh and more, all with minimal materials.
What You’ll Need
- containers (oatmeal, soda, coffee, boxes, paper tubes…)
- popcorn kernels and rice
- tape
- scissors
- stapler (optional)
- construction paper
- decoration tools (crayons, stickers, glitter…)
Directions For Shakers or Maracas
I compiled some extra containers, really anything will work, to make our own DIY instruments. I had sparkling water bottles, an oatmeal container and a paper towel roll.
- Grab whatever container you want to use
- maracas were drink containers and shaker the paper tube
- Add to that the rice or popcorn kernels and make sure it is closed. Use a stapler or tape to help with that if you are adding these items to a paper towel or toilet paper tube
- Use the stickers, construction paper, tape, scissors and crayons to decorate
- just wrap the decorated paper around and tape or just use stickers!
Directions For Drums
- Grab a big coffee container or oatmeal container
- Clean out containers
- Decorate
- Close and allow kiddo to drum on it
- There are ways to use rubber bands and boxes to make little guitars but depending on the age of the kids, that might not work.
- Make sure all shaker noise makers are edible and not generally considered a chocking hazard.
- If by chance you don’t eat or drink anything that would come in a container like above, ask family, neighbors and co-workers to save you theirs. Containers like above are great for quick projects and crafts and almost everyone has extras, for instance our local bowling alley in town uses coffee that comes in very handy, reusable containers, that would otherwise end up in the garbage.
Finished Projects and lots of Fun
Here are the finished DIY musical instruments, not pretty… but they sure had fun using them!
What I liked about this is that they expressed themselves in art, music, and in spoken word, as they explained their artwork to me. Many parents are worried about the outcome or what the “art” looks like, but it is the making, thinking, and journey of it, that is really important.
My kids had fun for well over an hour with these and have gone back to them a couple times this week already. It just shows that you don’t need to get crazy or fancy with crafts, for kids to learn, create and have a blast.
Here is a video of them playing with them… I asked them to do the band so I could film them…
Maybe you would rather have instruments that are made for littles but that might last a bit longer, or be a little sturdier. Check out some of these instruments, and let the fun begin!
Now get Musical! If you make DIY musical instruments, I would love to hear about them! Comment below or head over to Instagram or Facebook, share your pics, and tag me @bemandfam… I’d love to see them!
Don’t forget to pin this for later and if you like Pinterest, I am there too!
BEM + Fam 🙂
PS. This post has some affiliate links, read more about those here.
Update: 3/25
I have been having to go in and fix several older posts, for many reasons. Amazon changed the way links work on blogs with the rise of the influencer. I had some plugins stop working or cease to exist. I also am trying to keep up with the everchanging algorithms, but most posts I don’t add an update section to. This one I had too!
First of all… I want to say that I did keep true to what I had hoped and my kids picked up piano… they all can play! My sons who are now 16 and 14 are learning guitar, while my daughter (15) is learning violin!
Secondly, the video above just about broke me! I just cried and literally made some gut wrenching noises that made my dog uneasy. Parents are told to love the times with their little ones because they grow up, but no one, and I mean NO one, understands the complete pain it feels to see your little babies the way the were… after they are teens or adults.
I love my kids… then, now, and forever, but they are not the same people. They don’t look the same, act the same, and if feels like those precious little kids died. They just don’t exist. Now, I can’t say I don’t see glimpses in my teens today, I do… but it isn’t the same… and when it’s gone, it’s just gone.
Not to beat a dead horse, but momma… if you are reading this… hold those babies tight. I don’t care how messy your house is. I don’t care who is judging you for it (and honestly no on is but you). The dishes can wait! If everyone has some clean underwear… you are fine! Have a movie night with your kids!!! I don’t care if your husband, mother-in-law, or parents think you snuggle your kids too much or make them too much of a priority… do it anyway! Make some hot chocolate for your kids and make whipped cream mustaches!!!
Obviously, I am not advocating abandoning all else, making your marriage a priority is important, as are other relationships, but your kids are only little once. There will be a day that no matter what you did, how much you hold them, and no matter how many park visits, trips to the museum, or movie nights you have… this fact will hit like a ton of bricks and probably break your heart.
As a mom who was not prepared for that… I want to feel that maybe, I prepared some one 💗