Blue Eyed Mama's Blog – Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas

Homemade Christmas Cards

Easy Homemade Christmas Cards

diy Christmas cardsIt’s the season for greetings, though in today’s modern age, Christmas cards have taken a hit in popularity. Believe it or not, the first greeting card got its start in the 1800s, with the modern greeting card business beginning its boom in the early 1900s. Today, many people simply post “Merry Christmas” with a family picture on Facebook… and are done, however, in an age when most mail is junk (or bills) homemade Christmas cards will be a bright sight!

I do understand some of the backlash of the greeting card, they use a lot of paper, and Christmas cards can be a burden. First, who do you send them to… and adding a list of Christmas cards, to an already busy schedule, can sometimes be too much.

Then there is the cost, rushing to get them out, and then worrying if they will make it before Christmas. However, in a really busy world, full of technology, sending a Christmas card can be a great way to give back to others. It shows the recipient that you thought of them and took time to send them something special.

Store Bought Cards vs Homemade Cards

homemade christmas cards

Let me begin by saying, there is NOTHING wrong with store bought cards. If buying cards saves you time, time you can spend with your family… then go for it. There are many great cards out there, some with the proceeds going to charity.

In the past we’ve purchased cards from an in-state children’s hospital that uses patient’s drawings for the cards and then uses some of the proceeds to give back to the families in need. Those cards were super cute, original, and had a great purpose, but the fun thing about them is that they looked handmade.

Handmade items are special and handmade Christmas cards are no different. Making cards can be a fun family night for those that do a 25 Days of Christmas countdown and are a great way to give back to friends and family. Handmade cards can create some mess, but it is a fun thing to do and a great way to enjoy the season a bit more.

Materials for Handmade Cards 

To make the cards you will need a card structure and other items to create whatever designs you can come up with. Here’s what you need to make the cards I have shown…

How to Make the Cards

Homemade Christmas CardsThis is where the fun begins because you can make anything and you can have a party while doing it! Turn on some Christmas music, pop some popcorn, and have some fun being creative. 

I did several myself (to the left) but my kids made many on their own (below).

I cut out pieces from construction paper, glued them to the cards, added glitter for embellishment, and let everything dry. My kids did the same but they also drew on some with crayons.

For Rudolph I drew with crayons and added a glitter nose. The cutouts were simple but you could do anything!

For the glitter embellishments, I just used a bit of glue then poured on the glitter, dumping any excess onto a paper plate. You’ll notice that the wreaths are fairly heavy with the glitter, but they turned out great!

A side note on glitter… it is just glitter. Yes, some are better than others but it isn’t going to hurt to have a bit of glitter around. I know many parents hate glitter… to the point their kids have never used it before, and I get it, but it’s just glitter. Once my kids dumped a 5-6 inch tall bottle of glitter in their classroom and yes, I was seeing a glitter fleck here and there for months, but it is a funny story the kids and I laugh at and honestly no harm was done.

handmade christmas

Have the kids write on the inside, once the outside is dry. If your little ones need help with spelling, this is a great time to learn some new words. 

Stuff the envelopes with the cards and then teach your kids how to address a letter, something many kids don’t really know how to do.

Special Note to Parents…

Last note, during and after this homemade Christmas card party, there may be some mess, but it’s ok… let the mess happen, clean up as you can, but don’t stress about it. Your family will remember the fun, not the mess… so enjoy this time!

Seasons Greetings

I hope that these cards spark some inspiration! I’d love to hear how your card making party goes in the comment section below or tag me on your creations (@Bemandfam)… I’d love to see them on Facebook and Instagram

Don’t forget to pin this for later and if you like Pinterest, I am there too!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

BEM + Fam 🙂

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