Blue Eyed Mama's Blog – Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas

Our Little Library Update

Starting on the Little Library

little library updateHere’s our Little Library update!

We’ve (and by we’ve… I mean mainly my big, strapping, handsome hubby) begun building our Little Library and are excited to get it up. We have most of it together now and are waiting on Plexiglas. 

We haven’t had much luck with our Pool, through PayPal (the Pool page is no longer available, and PayPal ended their Pool program)…  we understand that the premise is to have books be traded through the library and that having all new books isn’t necessary… BUT we do want to make sure that kids (and adults) can get their hands on new reading materials from time to time. Having said that… we did have a neighbor give some books for the library, which I put with the rest until we open it up!

As to building the little library… we weren’t sure exactly how big to go, but we have decided on a shelf inside to help separate the children’s books from the young adult and adult books. The body is plywood, but the challenge is to make sure that rain and snow stay out of the library. We plan to seal it well, obviously, but to also add an additional layer of upcycled fence boards. This will help with keeping out the elements but will also add visual interest. We plan to have the library plans available, once we get it all done, so others can join in the fun and build their own.

We will keep updating when we can… but if you missed our first library post click here and to follow along with future updates, visit the update page!

our little libraryWant to help our Little Library… well you can!

You can promote learning with your little ones while contributing to our library by grabbing this reading log and book tracker at Etsy!

It also has bookmarks and a keyword outline for more fun and to add some educational value to it as well! My store supports our little free library, and by shopping you help it too!

Thanks for stopping by!

BEM + Fam 🙂


PS. This post has some affiliate links, read more about those here.

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