Blue Eyed Mama's Blog – Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas

A Groundhog Day Craft

Groundhog Day Craft for Kids

Groundhogs are the only animals with their own holiday here in the U.S., so whether it is Groundhog Day, a unit studying them, or just because, groundhogs deserve a little wink and a nod. So, while a silly holiday, here is a Groundhog Day craft for kids!

Let’s Get Crafting

make a groundhogWhat you will need…

Getting Started

  • Color the groundhogs
  • Cut the groundhogs out (this can be done by the child or parent)
  • Glue the groundhog to the stick and set aside
  • Use green construction paper or cut a strip of white printer paper and color it green, and measure around your tube, cutting if needed.
  • Glue the strip on the tube

groundhog day craft

  • Slide the groundhog into the tube and staple on either side of the stick. This ensures that they don’t fall out

groundhog day crafts

groundhog day craftNow the little guys can play peek-a-boo and pop in and out to predict if spring is coming early or we should embrace for 6 more weeks of winter!

As you can see above, one of our groundhogs is blue because according to Landen, “The blue one is the boss”, so there you have it! It is fun to imagine, so always feel free to let your little one have artistic freedom.

Extending the Fun

Groundhog Day for KidsAs time went on, I created a educational and fun printable packet geared toward Groundhog Day. It includes a lesson page and several activities including a weather predicting page, word search, coloring page, memory game, writing prompt, access to a private online groundhog trivia game, and this craft. 

I have used this packet with my kids, in our coop, and also with some of the online students I teach. It is an inexpensive way to add some fun to a silly holiday… and it is great for either homeschool or the classroom!

For any homeschoolers or parents that want to add some education and fun into Groundhog Day, head over to Etsy to grab my Groundhog Lesson and Fun Pack, it is available for instant download!

Happy Groundhog Day!

I hope you enjoy making these! We first began celebrating Groundhog Day as a family 10 years ago, which was the year we made these little groundhogs, and I still have them. In fact, my kids still mention them once in awhile… I don’t know why. We’ve made bigger and “better” crafts, but there was something about these they loved. The day was fun and it started a tradition for our family!

For more Groundhog Day ideas check out my Groundhog Day for Kids page and my 9 Groundhog Day Facts page!

If you make these, I would love to hear about them! Comment below or head over to Instagram or Facebook, share your pics, and tag me @bemandfam… I’d love to see them!

Don’t forget to pin this for later and if you like Pinterest, I am there too!

BEM + Fam 🙂

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