Blue Eyed Mama's Blog – Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas

5 Tricks for Leftover Halloween Candy

Leftover Halloween Candy – Friend or Foe?

leftover Halloween candy

Another Halloween is close at hand, and during the celebration, candy is always the highlight. Halloween brings in handfuls of candy, if not bagfuls for some, and many parents worry about their children having too much leftover Halloween candy.

If you aren’t keen on the excess sugar, chemicals, and calories, or you just have multiple children (and multiple loads of candy), what do you do?

Here is a quick rundown of what you can do with that candy, of course, sort through it and pull out your favs first… parents gotta eat too!

  1. Eat it – You can have some, you can let your kids binge eat it, or you can ration it out, but when you think about how expensive candy is… thinking about giving it away or throwing it away, well, it seems nuts! To those who worry about the chemicals in certain candies… I totally get it, but if this is literally only once a year and seen as a treat, eating it won’t do much harm in the long run.
  2. Save it – This is an expansion on the above but one that might ease the mind of moms everywhere. You could save the leftovers for rewards on chores, tests, good deeds… you name it! This way they get to eat some and keep the rest for later. WIN-WIN! Freezing many candies is an option.
  3. Give it away – Sometimes places like senior centers will take leftover candy for some of their residents. This is a great option for giving back and unloading some extra candy. You could also take it into the office for your co-workers, either way giving it away might suit you best!
  4. Sell it – Now I don’t suggest you sell your kid’s candy on some makeshift black market… BUT for those worried about sugar, calories, and cavities… see if a local dentist or agency will buy it from you. Many dentists will run a promotion like this to help businesses and promote healthy teeth. Other agencies will pay by the pound and then send the candy to members of the military.
  5. Bake it – Most chocolate candies can replace nuts and chips in cookies, brownies, cakes, and though not baked… as ice cream toppers. This is a yummy way to get rid of Halloween candy and might save a bit of money too! Just don’t use chewy, fruity candy in the oven, however, they might make great ice cream toppers too!
  6. BONUS TIP… Buy it – This might seem odd but you can buy it from your children. Not many pre-teens have the opportunity to make cash regularly so this might be a good option. Put a monetary value on each piece and allow them to keep some but sell some to you. You can then do one of the other things on this list while teaching them a small lesson on economics!

This is just a short list… what do you do with leftover Halloween candy?

Whatever you do with it, I hope that Halloween is full of fun, family, and happy memories! Head over to Instagram or Facebook and share your pics of your kiddos candy loot and tag me @bemandfam to share what you do with it all!

BEM + Fam 🙂

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