Blue Eyed Mama's Blog – Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas

30 Days of Grateful 2022 Edition

It’s November Again!

Last year, I took the month of November and did a #30dayofgrateful challenge. Many people do this during November and though I’ve done small things with the kids throughout the month, I’ve never really taken the time to evaluate why I am grateful. That sounds terrible and of course, I think about the things I am grateful for, but not always the WHYS. So, in 2021… I did just that. 

I wrote up some prompts, made a calendar, and each day I sat and gave the prompt some thought. Some days were easy but other days took quite a bit of time. I posted it on the blog as I went, made the calendar printable for everyone, posted on socials, and I had thoughts of grandeur that people would join in… and maybe they did, but they didn’t share. This is of course fine, but I realized how exposed and vulnerable I felt… putting it all out there alone, however, at the end of the day, I was doing this for ME and I really loved the journey I took.

30 days of grateful 2022This year, I made another calendar for 2022, though the prompts are the same as last year… BUT this year, I also made a list of grateful prompts! This way people can use it how they would like! Though this started as a 30-day, daily challenge for me, there is nothing wrong with using the prompt list at dinner with the family. How fun would it be to have a Thankful Thursday every Thursday in November… or throughout the year!

So, however you celebrate this month… even if being Thankful in November isn’t a custom or you feel pretty thankful year-round, grab your #30daysofgrateful list (which is shown here and is UNDATED) or grab your November 2022 dated calendar… or both and enjoy November!

Head over to Instagram or Facebook and share what you are grateful for or tag me @bemandfam… feel free to leave a comment too! Also, check out my 30 Days of Grateful post from last year!

30 days of grateful 2022 editionI plan on doing this challenge again, with NEW prompts next year, but the journey I took last year was amazing. I didn’t post much about each prompt, but I did spend so much time thinking about the things I am grateful for… it changed me a bit and I got to really know myself better!

For all things fall or Autumn, check out my Fall Season page… there are some recipes, crafts, and other fun stuff.

I hope you have a fantastic November and a great journey on your 30 Days of Grateful!

BEM and Fam 🙂

Thanksgiving with kids

PS. This post has some affiliate links, read more about those here

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